Tag Archives: newborns

Sophie Scott Arrives…


As of Wednesday I became the Aunty of a beautiful little niece.  I am more chuffed about this than I thought possible. After all, I have two children of my own, you’d think I’d be a bit immune to lure of babies by now.  But no, I think they’re wondrous and lovely.

Sophie’s parents have given her quite a handle.  Her full name is Sophie Alexandra Ythan Scott.  I love it.  I have a thing for names and like to believe that people grow into them.  My own two have names chosen for their meaning and which, in their younger years, they loved hearing about.  I’ve no doubt Sophie will be the same, and that her parents will take pleasure in demonstrating for her, the hopes they packaged into her name.

Maybe that’s why babies ‘get me’ the way they do.  The hope in them, the enormous sense of possibility, packaged inside that tiny, perfect body, all waiting to unfurl.  Even more intriguing, if you’re like me, you consider that all the stuff of the universe, stars, atmospheres, planets, life, is the same stuff swirling inside that little person, still so unrefined you can almost see it when you look into those newly opened eyes (indeed it’s inside grown ups too…we’re just less reflective of miracles).  Truly, wondrous strange!

So it is with a great sense of happiness and reverence that I welcome young Sophie Scott to the world.  I can’t wait for a cuddle!